Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Have you ever seen an iron drool before?

There's two faces for the price of one here:

 Looking slightly startled.

What could it possibly be? A wrinkly shirt?

Whatever it was, it was all a bit too much for him.

Anyway, on to the characterising and environmentalisng of this fella. 
With the shape of the handle and the water housing unit on the back of the iron it reminded me of a snail. I drew out the illustration of the snail first in Illustrator:

I looked up some snail shells and made a tracing of one to use here. 

I always felt that this was a good picture to use to sum up the urban area.  It is our habitat that is pushing out the natural one, and will continue to do so until there isn't much left.
Here are my IronFaceDroolFace snails racing to get the very last of the food .
Could this be our future also if we're not careful?
I'm a fan of black and white, what can I say.

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