Sunday, May 22, 2011

Final project of first year : Positive Ireland

Easter break over, entrance into graphics achieved and then this. This slightly confusing and open brief was thrust upon us for the final 3 weeks of the year and heads were scratched when it was given out. What was positive and what was thinking outside of the box 'positive'? Our objective was to create a billboard, a t-shirt and a free give away item that would go with the aforementioned 'Positive Ireland' tagline, easy, pfff, not. So my first port of call was 'sex sells'. I wanted to base the project around the notion that sex could sell the culture of sport in Ireland. Innuendo and punnage was going to be my modus operandi for the brief and by the end of the first week at the first crit the idea was slightly shot down and the issue of 'already been done' and 'clíché' was brought up and so it was a return to the drawing board for a different approach. Lines such as: Where's your balls?; Grab your balls and play; Grow some balls and play( with potted plants growing sports balls); Golf is for swingers; There's grass on the pitch, let's play; and one last apparently controversial one of a child holding a rugby ball saying 'when I grow up I want to be a hooker', were all knocked back in one way or another. Smart and all as I thought they were at the time I knew further investigation of the topic was in order. I knew that I wanted to use sport in some way and then I thought of pushing sport as an alternative to a drink and drug lifestyle, so more puns were in order. We are a nation that has been known to be partial to a drink or two, or the occasional foray into the illicit economies, so i took the angle that I would approach the pitch in a pro sport/anti-drink/drug message. I wanted to come at this with a tongue in cheek approach that mixed the worlds of sport and drug taking in a somewhat marketable manner that made sport out to be the alternative to a wasteful lifestyle. I think some of my ideas came across as slightly run of the mill, safe approach. I don't think I was the only one that struggled with this concept but I know myself that I could have done a bit better. Did the stream run out? I'm not sure. This is the final piece of my first year puzzle:



 Free give away:

My idea for the free give away item boiled down to aiming my pitch at drug addicts and people on the streets. These are stickers that I would display around the city centre with the hope that they would draw people in at first with the bright colours and then they might read more into them and the seed of wanting to get help might be planted.

These final two pieces were two that I wanted to make for myself as posters for me to keep, a bit of a non connection to the brief, oops.

International horticulture time.

Am I exposing, flashing, or tempting something?