Wednesday, November 24, 2010

When you go for a web designer check the references carefully.

I looked into advertising my blog on the web and this is what I got.  Where he's going with it I don't know, but I'll roll with it. A quick coffee before we start.

No designer does all the work on their own.

Off to a good start.


Sit down/go slow protest.

Back in the game.

I'm sure this was only for show.

You're writing on the other side buddy.

More exposure here he said. Not exactly, if the ad stays the same size.

Some sort of show of control going on here.

The 'do not mess with me for I am Chickenwiredoorspider''  pose.

After making the smaller spider I went to work on this 30 foot tall spider. Hard to imagine I pulled that off in a day.

Can I go home now?

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