Friday, March 11, 2011

Paint elective.

The first of the electives and at the time thought we were dropped in at the deep end. I was looking forward to trying paint as I haven't painted much before apart from one or two pieces and whatever I did for my portfolio. I went into it with an open mind and wanted to work hard at it to see what would come of it. Straight away it was into continuous painting and it was a little difficult at first to get used to standing at the easel for long periods, much lying on the ground was done come the evening in the college.

We were told to bring in items for an installation that we were to paint and groups were split up for the life painting sessions. The 2 weeks in this electives were enjoyable and the work was pretty full on but everyone's in the same boat so you get on with it.  Building the installation at the start was nearly as enjoyable as the painting, sorry painting you're just not my thing.

Definitely some interesting construction going on in these pics. Interesting, yes, paintable, not so much, a challenge. Everyone had some very interesting compositions for this piece. 

This was the composition I chose to begin with.

I love the colours in this shot. 

I like the pink glass, that's about it.

Ha! Where's her neck? Oops. She has a lego head.

Chalk pastel and charcoal.

i was happy with the way this piece turned out. I like the orange.

A Lucian Freud reproduction for the brief.

It was a really quick two weeks and I did more painting in that time than I've done before. It was good in the way that you had no time to think about it really you just had to paint and it meant there was no time for over analysing what you were painting which made me paint more freely. 

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