Saturday, March 12, 2011

Goodbye friend

I didn't know for a good while what to call this but I settled on the one above. Television recently has become a very frustrating process involving much grating advertising and pointless, vapid shows. I also remember learning a lot from tv growing up and as a current non owner of a tv and a occupier of the internet I thought that this was fitting to not only break an old , dated tv, but that just breaking a tv might sever whatever old ties I had to the old pastime. Many hours spent watching pointless, unengaging programming, with the odd ever decreasing good viewing thrown in led me to the point of wishing to unmake a television. My initial intention was to see it off a roof but weather, time, and health and safety put paid to that. This I would recommend to anyone wishing they could ever get away from the tv, or anyone sick of being pestered to buy things they don't need or want. Football is all you had left for me and now the internet has taken that too, not to mind the fact that a lot of news is now second hand reporting from the internet. TV, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, upgrade already.

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