Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I call this one PillarFace

It's a pillar of support in the building and it's blushing.

I enjoyed the simplicity of this character and the possibilities with it being blank.  I see it as a way of holding a message or a sign in one of the images, and I plan on doing more with this fella.

A colour for every mood.

I was going back through my photos from doing my research and I stumbled upon this one here of an abandoned bar. I'm starting to see a theme running here through the last few posts which is becoming interesting to me. As is the trend at the moment in this country, everything is being shut down and nothing is opening in its place. Everyone is being let go from their positions and there is nowhere for many to go other than the dole. It's hard here at the moment for a lot of folk and frustrating for those who wish to work. Best of luck to everyone in this position. 

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