Saturday, October 23, 2010

Electric buzzbox family.

I hadn't intended in making a clan of these characters but it's the way it turned out. I'm not sure why these things have perfectly formed faces on them, but they really do, and they look pretty cheerful at the same time. Is someone in the factory where they are made having a little joke, or are the designers in the same mindset as me where they have faces in everything?  It might be just a happy coincidence but I'm not convinced. These thing are there on the road, smiling out at everyone. Next time you pass one, have a look and it should give you a smile. They are really quite cute, well, as cute as an electrical box can be I suppose.

The clones and their original

Birth of a box. Look how excited they are.

There's always a shy one, and a not so shy one.

The family portrait

Never work with children, animals or small boxes.

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