Friday, March 25, 2011

Graphics Elective - Second Week


At first I was anticipating this week to be the easier or the more accessible of the two seeing as it was a relatively nice word to work with and the fact I was looking forward to getting creative with imagery. This turned out not to be the case. I think I was wildly missing the mark for the first two or three days which is a lot out of a 5 day week where 1 day is a crit so I think I was stressing out a little with it. Everything I came up with was very literal or narrative and missing the conceptual side. I was racking my brains to think what the answer to the problem was but I had a complete mental block and couldn't see how to show 'Between' without actually being between things or being absolutely obvious. Roll on thursday and suddenly there was a few things happening and then there was so many it was nearly going to be impossible to do them all, including 50 little thumbnail drawings in a night with all the rest of the work and editing and changing file types and tweaking and watching a tiny little beachball spin rapidly in front of you on the screen telling you that your computer is considering just giving up. Thankfully it didn't and the advent of shorter nights sleep in graphics module had begun.

 Thanks Jake and Kevin for being props with the basketball.

 These are all the rough work sheets of overly obvious ideas and clear narratives.

It was hard to escape the whole bee thing. 

Some interspecies play.
See, couldn't let it go.

Between the thing that's always between things.


and this,

sometimes this,
and (ha) sometimes this.
Well this was an interesting part of the week.
The colours in this one appeal to me but really these were just too reliant on illustrator
and didn't really have a concept. I still like them as images though.
Well it still managed to bee in there at the end. But do you get it?
Life is between.

Democracy de jour.
The late night brainstorming session I inflicted on my housemates. What is 'Between'? 
My finished poster from the work from my sketchbook that night.

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